フェスはあきらめて、アーティストがフェスの前後に行うライブ「Sidewave(サイドウェーブ)」の一つ、Linkin ParkとStone Sourのライブに行きました。これはこれで大興奮の組み合わせです。
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会場入り口からステージのあるエリアまで 期待と高揚感がじわじわ上がっていきます |
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日本のバンド、Crossfaith (クロスフェイス) |
その後は、絶対に観たかったDragonforce、Stone Sour、Linkin Park、A Perfect Circle、Anthrax、Bullet For My Valentine、The Offspring、Slayer、Metallicaを堪能し、時々ガッカリし、強烈な日差しを避けながらステージからステージへ動き回りました。
空いた時間に何気なく観に行ったDanko Jonesというカナダ出身のロックバンドは、口が達者なボーカルさんの顔や動きが面白かったです。さすが、自分の名前をバンド名にしているだけあって、堂々とした自信が伝わってきました。「今は5番ステージで演奏してるけど、いずれ1番(メイン)ステージに上がってやるぜ!」と何度も言っていました。観客との雑談からMCにつなげ、MCからいつの間にか歌詞に入り演奏が始まるなど、フロントマンとしての力量と貫禄がすごいな~と思っていたら、活動歴17年目のベテランでした。
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Danko Jones from Tronto |
ベテランと言えば、SlayerやMetallica、AnthraxにThe Offspringなどはもう明らかに「おっさんやん!」という外見です。それでも、おっさんのかき鳴らすギターに酔いしれ、おっさんボーカルの巧みな
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スラッシュメタルの四天王(のひとつ)、Anthrax 活動開始は1981年! MetallicaとSlayerも同じく四天王です。 そう考えると、今回のSoundwaveは超豪華メンバー! |
私はもうちょっと若手のStone Sour、Linkin Park、Dragonforceが好きですが、好きなバンドはどれだけ年を取っても好きです。新しい曲を作る気力がなくなってしまっても、昔の曲でいいからいつまでも現役でいてもらいたいと思います。
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王道メロディアスメタル、UKからのDragonforce |
P.S. Soundwaveにぶつける形で、今夜はDeep PurpleとJourneyの豪華取り合わせライブもあったようです。ジャンルは若干ずれるかもしれませんが、苦悩したファンもいたのではないかと。
2013. 3. 1 Fri.
SOUNDWAVE 2013 in Melbourne!
I had gone to see Linkin Park and Stone Sour two nights before, and just couldn't resist. Luckily, I found someone who wanted to sell the ticket at close-to-the-original price, so there I was at Flemington Racecourse on a beautiful sunny day to see a bunch of cool-ass rock/metal bands.
There were 9 stages for the total of 73 bands, including those who eventually pulled out. My target was set on Stone Sour, Linkin Park, Dragonforce, Metallica, A Perfect Circle, Bullet For My Valentine, Anthrax, Slayer, The Offspring, Killswitch Engage, and The Amity Affliction.
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A Perfect Circle Reminds me of my dark days in college lol |
To be quite honest, I did not enjoy every band I wanted to see. With some bands I got bored and left the stage after a song or two. In fact, Stone Sour, Linkin Park, and Dragonforce were the only bands I wanted to see and actually did see throughout.
I've always loved Stone Sour, and Corey was just as polite and agitating as he was at LOUDPARK in Japan. He never forgets to show his gratitude over and over again, and at the end he'd always say "take care of yourself, take care of each other." That's very caring.
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Stone Sour It's almost fxxkin' strange how he's so fxxkin' aggressive and yet so damn caring. I guess he just can't help it. |
Today and the Sidewave which I went two nights ago were the first time I saw Linkin Park, but I like them more after seeing them live. All the power and energy scintillated from Chester is so stunning and visible, and it contrasts the rather calm and solid vocals by Mike Shinoda.
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Linkin Park The ground was literally shaking. |
And Dragonforce, oh my god, I must say this was the only classic metal band I saw at SOUNDWAVE. Other metal bands are too American. Not that I don't like them and they're great the way they are, but they're still American and different from European metal. I just loved it, and only this band reminded me of the bliss I felt every year at LOUDPARK.
There were also some "lucky encounters."
I went to Stage 5 to see Danko Jones, just because I had no other targeted bands to see in that time frame, and got hooked. Instantly.
They were a rock band from Tronto, good and hard, and the singer, Danko Jones himself, was quite a character. Aggressive and ready-to-fight like a pitbull, witty and sarcastic, and confident. It's hard to look away when he's staring in your way. The bass guitarist was all smiley when Danko was making faces and agitating the audience, and that's another contrast that I liked.
Crossfaith, a Japanese metal band from Osaka was another lucky find I had. It's motivating to see other Japanese doing their own thing and challenging the world.
On a random note, I found it odd to see so few Asian people at the venue. It was almost completely white audience (so were the bands, come to think of it), and I felt a bit weird. I saw more people with flashy red hair than Asian people. This was the first time I ever felt like a minority since I came to this multi-ethnic city of Melbourne.
All in all, this was a good experience and I had lots of fun out in the sun and good music.
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