Life is a Journey

Life is a Journey. Wouldn't you agree?


生きている、生かされている。Nothing should be taken for granted.

What did Mark Twain say?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat

Brave is in you.

Journey Never Ends.

いつだってここがスタートライン、今がベストタイミング。だから合言葉は、CARPE DIEM!!


Current Status: 7 Months to Go


その間、ワーホリ関連で進めた作業は・・・『地球の歩き方 オーストラリア編』を買ったくらいですか。

ちなみにワーキングホリデーに必要なビザ(WH Subclass 417)は、2週間ほど前の深夜にオンライン申請を行い、

これまで、26歳のときに仕事を辞めて初バックパッカー in 東南アジア、30歳になった月にまた仕事を辞めて二度目のバックパッカー in インドをやってますんで、もはやあきらめ驚かないんでしょうな。ありがたい家族です。



★ ビザ取得
★ ガイドブック購入
★ 家族に報告 ← コレが一番大事

March 20, 2012

It's been 10 days since my Introduction, and so far, my prep has been going well:
- I have applied for Woking Holiday Visa (WH Subclass 417) which, to my astonishment, was granted within 0.5 day;
- I have told my family about my intention to stay in Australia for a year, which, again to my astonishment, was taken in within 5 minutes of my going, "Hey Mom and Dad...there's something I wanna tell you..."; and
- I bought a guidebook!

So, Visa obtained, passport good, family agreed (or more like gave up), friends backing me up, me studying Australia and its attractions, and now what else?

...Oh yes, dinero.
Although this is WORKING Holiday, I'll need some money at hand to, of course, get a flight ticket, and to start my life there from scratch.

I've got 7 more months to go, and hopefully it's enough for me to get financially ready for my OZ fun.

- Hiro
Tokyo, Japan








March 11, 2012

Hello and Welcome to my blog.
This is my personal record of my personal venture which I proudly named "Project 31."
I am planning on going to Australia in November this year to make Working Holiday, and I shall be spending the good part of my 31-year-old year there (hence my project title).

Exactly one year ago, Northeastern part of Japan was hit by a massive M9.0 earthquake followed by waves of tsunami that claimed nearly 20,000 lives. This aweful, tragic catastrophe affected millions of lives since then, and it still is.
If this catastrophe has taught me anything, it's the reaffirmation of the Zen idea that, "nothing stays the same."
As I always tell myself, whatever happens happens and it happens for a reason. I cannot, and must not, take anything for granted as nothing is guaranteed in life. So, I decided that I should follow my instincts and make it happen if there's an urge I just cannot drop. (You know me too well if you say I've always been like that anyways. Hush hush ;-)

The single creed I follow throughout this journey is: CARPE DIEM.
Seize the day, because life is short.
Seize the day, because I know I'll regret not trying it when I could.
Seize the day, because it'll make you realize what you really want.
Seize the day, because you never know what tomorrow brings.
Be grateful, be responsible, be compassionate, be open-minded, be attentive, be friends, and be yourself, at your own risk.

Welcome again to my blog and my journey.
I hope you'd enjoy the ride as much as I will.

- Hiro
Tokyo, Japan